
#AutismHour events in Leeds

Next week sees the National Autistic Society (NAS) launch this year’s Autism Hour campaign. The campaign will see a number of businesses and organisations pledge to have an hour to make their shops and offices quieter and less overloading than [...]

2017-09-28T15:52:24+01:0028 September 2017|Events, News|

Employment service information sessions this week

Specialist Autism Services are holding an information session for their two new employment programmes. These programmes are for autistic adults in the Leeds area who are looking to get into work. The session concerns two schemes: One to help autistic [...]

2017-09-11T11:42:02+01:0011 September 2017|Events, News|

Mentoring training confirmed for September

Leeds Autism AIM have a couple of provisional dates for the next lot of volunteer mentor training. The training, which takes place across two dates next month, is split into two parts and will prepare anyone wanting to become a [...]

2017-08-25T14:33:33+01:0025 August 2017|Events, News|

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