Once a month, we hold a Co-Design Group online. This is open to autistic adults in Leeds, including anyone who has ever accessed support from Leeds Autism AIM. The group’s aims are to:
- Review resources made by the Leeds Autism AIM team and suggest improvements before they are published
- Ensure that the wider local autistic community has a say in what our service does
- Ensure that our resources and other work is at least co-delivered by autistic adults
When does it meet?
The Co-Design Group meets once a month, usually on the third Tuesday of every month from 5:30pm-7pm. The Group meets on the Zoom app.
How do I join?
To receive info on how to join the Coproduction Group, please make a referral to us at https://tinyurl.com/leedsautismaimreferral. Then, we will add you to our Groups mailing list.
If you prefer, you can also email us requesting the details. Please email [email protected].
To join the group, you must be an autistic adult (aged 18+) and live in the Leeds City Council area.