If you have never been to the Autism Hub before or have not been for a while, we have a visual guide to the venue we use for drop-ins and appointment-only sessions. Find out what each part of the Hub looks like and what each room is used for here!

To see our new 3D virtual tour of the Hub, please click on the button below.

Hub Entrance

This is the main entrance to the Hub. There is parking available on the streets nearby and an accessible parking bay to the right.

To get to the entrance by foot, walk up or down North Street (depending on which direction you are travelling to or from). Then, turn left or right when you see a sign for Wintoun Street.

To get into the Hub, you need to push the button to the left of the doors. Then, we will hear a buzzing sound. That will let us know that we need to let you in. We will open the doors from the reception desk, which will let you enter the building.

Entrance to the Lovell Park Hub

Reception Area

This is the first bit of the Hub you will see once inside. At the reception desk, you will usually see David, our Hub Supporter. To sign in, just let David know your name and he will confirm who you are here to see.

If there are Covid measures in place, he will ask you to take your temperature and use some hand sanitizer. There are also some seats you can sit in if waiting to see someone for an appointment. These are opposite the reception desk.

When you come in, a member of staff will show you where to go if you have an appointment. You don’t need to use this guide to find the room you will be in.

Autism Hub reception area

Quiet Room

Going from the Reception Area, you will see one of two accessible unisex toilets and the door leading to the Staff Kitchen. We may meet you in the Staff Kitchen if no other rooms are available.

The corridor to the left will take you towards the Quiet Room and one of the fire exits. There are leaflets and posters on the walls.

The fire exit is at the end of the corridor, past the lockers and the Quiet Room door. To the left, you will find the Quiet Room. Inside, there are seats, a big table and blinds to keep sunlight out. This room is useful if you are feeling overloaded and need some quiet time away from others.

Cafe Area

Once you have signed in, this is the main waiting area to be in if you have an appointment with a member of staff or someone from a partner service. There are four round tables here, each with seats around them.

There is also a computer desk here you can use if needing to use your laptop, tablet or smartphone for something important.

The Café Area has a tea bar where we can provide refreshments including tea and coffee. There are also doors leading to three rooms; the Information Room, Art Room and Poplar Room.

Autism Hub - cafe area

Poplar Room

This is one of the biggest rooms in the Autism Hub. It can be accessed via a door in the Café Area.

We normally use it for hosting groups, including Yorkshire Autism AIM’s in-person Mental Health Peer Support Group. It can also be used for booked appointments if needed.

There are plenty of seats available here, including two faux-leather sofas. If you have an appointment you are attending with someone to support you such as a parent or partner, this room is where we may end up meeting you.

Poplar Room in the Autism Hub

Art Room

The Art Room is to the left of the Poplar Room. It can also be accessed via a door in the Café Area.

We mainly use the Art Room for one-to-one appointments for things like mentoring, peer support and post-diagnostic support.

The seats here are plastic, although we have cushions available if you want to make them more comfortable to sit on.

Garden Room

The Garden Room is to the right of the corridor leading to the Garden Area. It can be accessed via the corridor between the tea bar and a notice board next to the exit to the Garden Area.

This room is the first on your left. Inside, there are a few seats around a table. There is also a computer desk and a chair next to a smaller round table.

We mainly use this room for one-to-one appointments for things like peer support, post-diagnostic support and advocacy.

An image of a meeting room at the Lovell Park Hub. There is a wooden desk with curved edges, surrounded by chairs with wooden frames and blue upholstery. The room's carpet is grey.

IT Room

Finally, we have the IT Room. It gets its’ name from having a lot of computers inside! It is to the right of the Garden Room.

There are quite a few seats and desks here, including some swivel chairs.

This room is mainly used for one-to-one appointments with our partner services. They include Chapeltown Citizens Advice, Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service, Engage Leeds and Scope.