A big part of what Leeds Autism AIM does is provide information and signposting. We do so in a number of ways, whether it’s through our Hub sessions, one-to-one or online.

Although we cannot provide everything you need, we can signpost you to services who might be able to help. We can give you information on who they are, what they do and how to contact them.

Here is how we can provide information and signposting to you:

  • Through our autism hub sessions – we have leaflets, flyers and staff who can find out about relevant services for you
  • On social media – you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news about what’s going on with Leeds Autism AIM
  • By email – if there’s anything you’d like to know about autism in Leeds, just email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can
  • Through our monthly e-newsletters
  • By visiting our Resources page
  • By producing personalised resources such as autism alert cards and hospital passports

What is signposting?

Signposting is where you ask to find out about a specific subject e.g. benefits, before we point you in the direction of somewhere to go. It could be a service, a phone number, a website or a person, whichever is the most useful for you.

While we can’t offer everything that people need, we will attempt to signpost you to the most suitable support possible. 

How we can provide info and signposting

You can either come to our Hub sessions by booking an appointment or get in touch with us. You can do so by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us on 0113 244 0606.