On this page, we show some of the ways in which we act on your feedback about our services. It will be updated every few months, showing that we aim to improve what we do based on what you have told us.

This page was last updated on Tuesday 19th March 2024.

The Hub can sometimes be difficult to navigate, and I am not always sure where rooms are or what they are for.

  • For rooms that have a set purpose or specific rules, we now have signs on the door with the name of the room and a brief description under the room.
  • Signs are now colour-coded to match the floor plan to make it a little clearer about where you are.
  • We introduced the Visual Hub Guide.
  • We have created a virtual tour of our Hub (this is still in progress).

The noise at the Drop-In Hub can sometimes be a bit much for me

Some people have found the noise during drop-ins to be difficult. To manage this, we are now asking that staff no longer book one-to-one sessions during the drop-in’s. This means that we have additional rooms available for people to go in out of the main café area. We have also designated one room as a silent room if you need some time away from all the conversations.

We now also have some visual noise meters and staff will be prompting visitors to keep an eye on them and be considerate of everyone’s needs. Our team will also be reminding people that a lot of autistic people find identifying and controlling the volume of their voice difficult, so we all need to work with each other’s differing needs.

Some of the other feedback around this has been that people “wouldn’t like any kind of formal structure breaking what we have” which means, at the moment, we are reluctant to force people to use set areas of the Hub for their conversations. This can of course be reviewed at a later date.

I’d like more ways to contribute to the Co-Design Group outside of the main meeting

  • We have set up a shared folder that people can access to comment on resources being worked on, as well as look at what has been discussed in the past.
  • On the online Hub, we have updated the Co-Design section to make it easier for people to comment.
  • Feedback will also be taken during drop-ins, where we will be giving people draft versions of resources to look at.
  • Feedback can also be sent by email to [email protected].

I find the website confusing and can’t always find what I am looking for

We have taken your feedback onboard and made changes to the website menus and rearranged some of the pages. We now have a general Information section which contains links to signposting information, FAQs and our timetable. We hope that this makes things easier to find but are always happy to take suggestions.

As an existing client, I am not always sure what I can access or how

We have added a section to our frequently asked questions for existing clients, which covers the things we are most often asked.

Links to this information will also now be included in the initial email to new clients.

I am not always sure when your groups are running

We have tried to provide multiple ways for you to check when groups are running. This includes:

  • Website ‘our timetable’ page.
  • On our online Hub, we have a section called ‘This Month’.
  • We have a Google calendar which allows you to add the groups you are interested in to your calendar.
  • You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter, which has all the group dates in.
  • If you asked to join any of our groups, you will receive an email the day before to remind you.

How to make suggestions

All constructive feedback is gratefully received. You can provide feedback informally by speaking with a member of staff, by emailing the team at [email protected] with your thoughts.

You can also use our feedback form here.