
Friday Hub sessions now run every two weeks

Starting in early July, we will now be running our quieter Friday Autism Hub sessions for booked appointments every two weeks. The sessions will alternate with our post-diagnostic support sessions for newly-diagnosed autistic adults every other week on Thursday evenings. [...]

2019-07-19T14:56:32+01:0019 July 2019|Events, News|

Post-diagnostic session dates until end of September

Our new post-diagnostic support sessions for newly-diagnosed autistic adults in Leeds are still going. We can offer up to four appointments to help you understand your autism, with support from some of our autistic staff members. The sessions run on [...]

2019-06-28T12:05:25+01:0028 June 2019|Events, News|

Speakers and stalls confirmed for autism info event

Bigger and Better in Leeds 2019, an information event celebrating autism awareness and acceptance, has confirmed its' speakers, stallholders and workshops. This year, there are three autistic guest speakers: Dr James McGrath is a lecturer in English, History and Media [...]

2019-06-16T16:39:26+01:0016 June 2019|Events, News|

Cafe Autistique to talk about setting goals

Our next autistic-led Cafe Autistique discussion session will be talking about setting goals and achieving them. The topic was decided on during April's session by those who attended. It ties into some of what our volunteer Autism Mentors do, helping [...]

2019-06-04T08:38:58+01:004 June 2019|Events, News|

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