Later on this month, the Lovell Autism Hub will be visited by the Leeds Cancer Awareness Project. They will be coming in to talk to our monthly autistic-led Women’s Group and will also be around to talk one-to-one with you about spotting the signs of different types of cancer, as well as the steps needed to get treatment.

They will be at the Hub on Tuesday 17th September, speaking to the Women’s Group at 5:30pm at the beginning of their meeting. Then, they will be around in the Cafe Area to answer any questions you have about cancer. To speak to them, all you need to do is come along to the Hub in person. It is at this address:

Lovell Park Hub
Wintoun Street

Directions can be found on the Lovell Autism Hub page.

Further information

For more about the Leeds Cancer Awareness project, please visit their webpage and their social media accounts: