
AIM’s 5th Anniversary: How should we celebrate it?

This year, Leeds Autism AIM will be celebrating its’ 5th anniversary. The project was set up in 2015, aiming to offer advocacy, information, signposting and mentoring to autistic adults in Leeds who received little or no funded support. Five years [...]

2020-01-07T12:47:03+00:007 January 2020|Events, News|

Stallholders confirmed for Hidden Talents Job Fair

The Leeds Hidden Talents Job Fair has confirmed a list of stallholders, including local employers and employment support services for autistic adults. Employers have roles in four areas - care work, IT, hospitality and administration. The list is as follows: [...]

2019-10-21T15:42:51+01:0021 October 2019|Events, News|

Cafe Autistique session to look at relaxation

Our monthly autistic-led Cafe Autistique discussion group will move on to the topic of relaxation, as chosen by people who attended the September session. The group will aim to look at when relaxation is needed, how to relax properly and [...]

2019-09-27T10:06:34+01:0027 September 2019|Events, News|

Volunteer mentor training starts this October

Next month, we have new training sessions for anyone who would like to become a volunteer mentor with the Leeds Autism AIM service. Mentors are matched with an autistic adult and meet once a week or once a fortnight to [...]

2019-09-24T12:07:34+01:0024 September 2019|Events, News|

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