
Aspiedent’s employment sessions for the New Year

Aspiedent will be returning to the Lovell Autism Hub in the new year with three employability sessions. These two-hour sessions are, once again, split into two parts - the first hour for a discussion and the second for one-to-one appointments. [...]

2017-11-28T14:05:42+00:0028 November 2017|Events, News|

Women’s Group to revisit gender differences

Our monthly Women's Group will be returning to a popular topic for December's meeting. Next month, they will be talking about gender differences between autistic women and autistic men. The topic will be revisited as the previous meeting where gender [...]

2017-11-24T12:28:54+00:0024 November 2017|Events, News|

One-day autism awareness course set for February 2018

A one-day autism awareness training course is being hosted by a Leeds-based, user-led learning disability charity. Connect in the North will be hosting Fresh One, a course delivered for family members of autistic people and autism professionals. The course will [...]

2017-11-21T13:17:55+00:0021 November 2017|Events, News|

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