On this page, we have a number of self-advocacy and planning tools that can help you to speak up for yourself and your rights. They can also help you to communicate your needs and set routines. To download free copies of them, please click on the buttons below.

Communication Profile

This tool can help you to say how you prefer to communicate with others, whether it’s in person or remotely.

Strategy Guides

We have made a series of guides on topics like work, communication and health with tips and links to useful resources.

Social Profile

This profile can help you to say how comfortable you are in social situations and how you like to socialise.

Leeds Autism Alert Card

This free alert card can help you to communicate your needs without verbalising them in stressful situations.

Weekly Planner

This weekly planner can help you to set a routine and plan for any important weeks you have coming up,

Daily Planner

Like our Weekly Planner, this can help to set a routine or plan ahead for an important day you have coming up.

Self-Care Plan

If you are wanting to look after yourself, our self-care plan can help you to do it in a manageable way.

Services Profile

This resource can help you to communicate your needs when accessing a range of services, including communication and how you experience meltdowns or shutdowns.

Meal Planner

This tool can help you to plan what you want to eat for a seven-day period. It can also help you to plan for your food shopping.

Guide to Private Autism Diagnosis

Created in January 2023, this guide is full of tips and information that might be useful if you are thinking of getting an autism diagnosis from a privately-run service.

It is four pages long and has sections on what to do when trying to find a diagnostic service, questions to ask and what tools they are likely to use.

Autism Health Passport

Created by local NHS services, Leeds Autism AIM and Leeds Mind, this is a free resource to help you communicate health and mental health needs when accessing NHS services in Leeds.

Once downloaded and completed, please send it to [email protected] or post them to Learning Disability & Autism Team, 2nd Floor, Trust Headquarters, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF so they can be uploaded electronically.

Self-Advocacy resources from The Advonet Group

The Advonet Group, an independent advocacy charity that we are part of, have some free self-advocacy resources that can help you to speak up for yourself and your rights. Please click on the buttons below to download a copy.

Self-Advocacy Pack

A pack containing a meeting planner, phone call planner, note-taking section and complaint template.

Meeting Planner

A tool than can help you plan what you want to say for an important meeting coming up.

Phone Call Planner

A tool to help you write what you want to say if you have an important phone call to prepare for.

Please Take Note

A note-taking planning document that can be used to plan for any issues you need to speak up about.

Complaint Template

If you need to make a complaint about a service but don’t know where to start, this planning tool can help.