Resources for professionals

Resources for professionals2024-04-19T15:54:00+01:00

As well as resources for autistic adults, we have some tools that are useful for professionals who work with autistic people. They include guides that cover areas such as health, communication and mental health.

Please click on the buttons below if you would like to access each resource.

Making Information Accessible for Neurodivergent People

This free guide covers how to make information accessible for people with neurodivergent conditions, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Leeds Adult Autism Strategy

Here, you can find out more about the Leeds Adult Autism Strategy for 2017-2022, what their goals are and how you can get involved.

Questioning Pattern Examples for professionals

For GPs and other healthcare staff working with autistic patients, this document has examples of questions for them and how they should be asked.

Mental health guide for autistic adults

This guide has information on mental health services in Leeds and on how to apply for GP funding for autism-specific counselling.

Health Passport

Created by local NHS services, Leeds Autism AIM and Leeds Mind, this is a free resource to help you communicate health and mental health needs when accessing NHS services in Leeds.

Once downloaded and completed, please send it to [email protected] or post them to Learning Disability & Autism Team, 2nd Floor, Trust Headquarters, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF so they can be uploaded electronically.

Useful blog posts

Why we use identity-first language

18 June 2020|

When it comes to referring to autism and autistic people, there are usually two ways of going about it. The first is person-first language. This is where someone would say “They have autism” or “people [...]

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