Infographic: Sleep hygiene and autism
For their in-person and online mental health peer support groups in September, the Yorkshire Autism AIM team discussed the topic of sleep hygiene and mental health. Sleep is something that some autistic people struggle [...]
Coproduction Group to focus on Reasonable Adjustments and Meltdown guides
Our monthly online Coproduction Group will be looking at two guides we are working on. The first is a guide to reasonable adjustments. We will be adding to our existing guide and would welcome any [...]
Drop-in Autism Hub sessions this September
This September, we will be running two drop-in Autism Hub sessions. These will be on Tuesday 12th September and Tuesday 26th September, both from 4pm-7pm. At the Hubs, we have the following on offer: Information on [...]
Reference Group asks for your views on mental health services
The Autism Reference Group for Leeds will hold two meetings next month, both to ask for views of autistic adults on mental health services in the Leeds area. One group will take place in-person and [...]
Coproduction Group to feed back on new health resources
Our monthly Coproduction Group will be taking a look at some health resources that our Autism Health Access Project are feeding into. The resources, made by the local NHS, include a card to show people [...]
Drop-in Autism Hub sessions this August
This August, we will be running two drop-in Autism Hub sessions. These will be on Tuesday 8th August and Tuesday 22nd August, both from 4pm-7pm. At the Hubs, we have the following on offer: Information [...]