At our two Hub sessions this coming week, we have quite a few things in store for you. Here’s what is happening at the Lovell Autism Hub and Friday Autism Hub for the start of August:
Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 1st August – 3:30pm-7pm
First on at the Lovell Autism Hub, we have a new group! Our Tabletop Gaming Group is on from 3:30pm to 6:30pm and will run on the first Tuesday of every month. Sadly, this group is fully booked.
We are able to produce personalised resources for the entire session. These include autism alert cards and hospital passports. If you need any doing, just ask for Luke and he can arrange to do these with you.
Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in for the whole session. He can offer advice on benefits, housing and personal finance, amongst other areas.
As per usual, our team of staff and volunteers will be around from start to finish. They can offer you advocacy support, information and signposting services and even peer support.
Friday Autism Hub – Friday 4th August – 4pm-7pm
At our fortnightly hub session for booked appointments, you can expect the following:
- Employment advice between 4pm and 7pm
- One-to-one advocacy support, info and signposting from our staff
- An advice session with Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau from 4pm to 7pm
To come to our Friday session, you need to book an appointment with us and specify what you want to get. To do that, all you need to do is contact us.