A medical professional filling in a form with a pen

Our next monthly Coproduction Group meeting will look at a guide we have made to getting an autism diagnosis privately. Made by our Health Access Project team, the guide is two pages long and covers:

  • Accessing private autism assessments
  • Choosing a practitioner
  • Diagnostic tools they use

To make sure it is as useful as possible for people seeking an autism diagnosis, we would like your feedback. Any feedback given will help improve the guide before it is published on our website.

When is the group?

The group will meet on Thursday 24th November from 5:30pm to 7pm on Zoom. It is free to attend, but the group is for autistic adults in the Leeds area only.

As well as the private autism diagnosis guide, we will also give an update on the resources we reviewed in October’s group for our Health Access Project.

If you would like to come to the group, please email us at [email protected]. Then we will send you an invite with all the Zoom details needed.