To mark World Mental Health Day 2022, our friends in the Yorkshire Autism AIM team have made an infographic. It is about autism and mental health and has statistics highlighting barriers faced by autistic adults trying to access mental health support.

The stats are as follows:

  • According to autism charity Autistica, around 80% of autistic adults in the UK experience mental health issues during their lives
  • A report about the Autism Act 10 years on from the National Autistic Society found that just 21% of autistic adults surveyed said they could access counselling services
  • A survey by Yorkshire Autism AIM revealed that 91% of autistic adults they spoke to said their sensory needs weren’t being met when in inpatient wards
  • The aforementioned report from the National Autistic Society found just 32% of autistic adults felt mental health professionals had a good understanding of autism

Download the infographic

If you would like a copy of the infographic in PDF format. please click on the link below:

Autism and Mental Health Infographic – Yorkshire Autism AIM

Useful mental health resources

On our website and elsewhere, there are some useful mental health resources for autistic adults in Leeds: