Later this month, the Autism Reference Group for Leeds will meet online. It is a forum for autistic adults living in Leeds to have their say on what local services should do for them. The meeting will be chaired by an autistic adult and is free to attend. The Group feeds into the Leeds Adult Autism Partnership Board, which oversees how services should work for autistic adults in the city. The Board has representatives of the Reference Group, who can nominate themselves to attend the quarterly Partnership Board meetings at the end of each Reference Group meeting.

Issues covered

At the last meeting, issues put forward to the Partnership Board included:
  • Accessing benefits such as Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
  • Road safety for pedestrians at crossings in Leeds
  • Improving mental health services for autistic people locally
At this meeting, the Group’s participants can raise up to three issues to take to the next Partnership Board meeting.

When and where?

The meeting is on Tuesday 31st May from 3:30pm to 5pm. It will take place online, on Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send you an invite to join on the day.