Next Thursday, our monthly Coproduction Group will look at new resources made for our Health Access Project. They are:

  • A pain scale – communicating how much or how little pain you are in
  • A spoons scale – showing how much mental energy you have, using spoon theory
  • A fatigue scale – showing how fatigued you are

All three tools have been redesigned following initial feedback from a Coproduction Group session last autumn. They have been made so that the finished resource can be downloaded as a digital document you can use on your phone or print off.

When is the group?

The group meets on Thursday 24th March from 5:30pm-7pm on Zoom. It is open to autistic adults aged 18 and over, living in the Leeds area.

If you would like to join, please email us at [email protected]. We will then send you the Zoom details the day before the Group meets. More information about our group and how it works can be found on our Coproduction Group page.