Leeds Autism AIM, West Yorkshire Police and other organisations across the country have coproduced a new autism alert card. The card is free and initially will be available to autistic adults aged 18 and over living in Leeds.

The card allows the owner to select a few things to say about how being autistic affects them. There is also an option where you can share information about any medical needs or any other conditions you have.

What is the card for?

It can be used in situations where you are stressed or anxious in a public area but are unable to communicate your needs. As well as a print version, we can send you a digital version of your card to show on your smartphone or tablet.

On the front, the card will have logos for both Leeds Autism AIM and West Yorkshire Police. The Police logo is included to help people who have a card use it with more confidence.

How to get a card

If you would like an alert card, please fill in the form at this link:


Then, we will print your alert card and send it to you in the post, free of charge. If you have any questions about the card, please email us at [email protected].