Leeds Autism AIM’s next monthly Coproduction Group will be looking at some new resources developed as part of our Autism Health Access Project. These resources will be used to help autistic patients at The Light Surgery and Leeds Student Medical Practice communicate their healthcare needs to their GPs.

The resources they will share with the group include pain scales where people can say how much or how little pain they experience at different times. Feedback given during the group session will be used to finalise these tools and make them available for use.

When and where?

Our Coproduction Group meets on Thursday 25th November from 5:30pm to 7pm. The meeting will be on Zoom and is free to attend. If you would like to come along, please email us at [email protected] and we will send you the Zoom details closer to the date.

Please note that to take part, you must be an autistic adult (aged 18 and over) and live in the Leeds City Council area. More info on what our group is all about is on this page: Coproduction Group