Leeds Autism AIM have worked with local health and mental health services to produce a combined Health Passport for autistic adults in Leeds. We made a draft version with:

  • Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s Learning Disability and Autism Team
  • Leeds Autism Diagnostic Service (LADS), part of the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Leeds Mind
  • Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service, part of Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

There are two versions – one that is text-only and the other using Easy Read symbols from Easy On The i.

We would like to receive your feedback on whether you would use them, what you like about them and what can be changed and/or improved.

Online survey

To help with that, we have produced a quick online survey. It asks a few questions about what you think of the passport and how it can be improved. There are links to drafts of both the text-only and Easy Read versions.

To take the survey, please click on this link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/leedsautismhealthpassport

The deadline for responses is Tuesday 20th April at 5pm. Please note that this resource is for autistic adults in the Leeds area only.