We at Leeds Autism AIM are running free training sessions for anyone who wants to become a volunteer Autism Mentor next month. The Mentor’s role involves being paired with an autistic adult and helping them to both set and achieve life goals.

Mentors meet regularly with their mentoring match remotely and can receive supervisions from AIM’s Volunteer Coordinator. To find out more about the Mentoring role in full, please visit our Mentoring page.

When and where?

The next training sessions are now on Saturday 8th May and Saturday 15th May. Both run from 10:30am to 3:30pm and are on Zoom. The first one covers autism awareness and the second goes into detail about what mentoring involves.

In addition to that, there is an induction session on Tuesday 20th April from 5:30pm-7:30pm. That will also be held on Zoom. To become a mentor, you need to attend all three sessions.

If you are interested in going on the training and becoming a mentor, please contact Fay, our Volunteer Coordinator. Their email address is [email protected]. They will then send on the Zoom details to you.