In response to the rollout of the Coronavirus vaccine, we have put together a document about getting reasonable adjustments in place before your appointment. It explains how you can get them in place and what adjustments can be made.

The document explains how you can get reasonable adjustments if you are autistic. The information covers vaccine appointments:

  • At the Thackray Medical Centre
  • At Elland Road
  • At your GP’s surgery
  • In any NHS hospital in Leeds, run by the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT)

In addition to that, it has a link to the Leeds NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)’s list of FAQs about the vaccine and what you can expect.

Different formats

We have made the document in two different sizes – one in A4 that can be printed off and the other made for showing on smartphones. To download the document(s), please click on the links below:

Many thanks to the LTHT’s Learning Disability and Autism team for sending us information on what reasonable adjustments are available for autistic people.