Man typing on a computer

This Thursday, Leeds Autism AIM’s Coproduction Group will be looking at a resource developed by the AIM team in partnership with local NHS and mental health services. It is a health passport for autistic adults covering general healthcare needs, support needed when in hospital settings and mental health.

A draft copy has been put together by the AIM team and it has been fed into by the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT), Leeds Mind and the Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service. At the Group, we will look at the draft copy and ask you about what you would like to see in it.

We will also ask:

  • If there is anything you think should be removed
  • If you would like to add anything to it
  • If the formatting is right for you
  • If the profile might be useful for you
  • Would you print it off or use it as a digital document on your phone

How to get involved

Our group is meeting on Thursday 21st January from 5:30pm to 7pm. It takes place on the Zoom app and is open to autistic adults in the Leeds area.

If you would like to take part or give your thoughts on this document, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send on the Zoom details before the meeting. If you want to have your say on this profile but cannot attend the meeting, we are happy to send on a draft copy of the profile for you to review by email.