Lovell Autism Hub

Due to local restrictions that were imposed on Friday 25th September 2020 by Leeds City Council, the Lovell Park Hub, where we would normally hold drop-in and appointment-only sessions, will remain closed for the foreseeable future.

The restrictions that were put in place are because of the rising Coronavirus infection rate in Leeds. You can find out more about what they mean for you here:

How we can help you

We will let you know as soon as anything changes. However, Leeds Autism AIM still offers the following remote support:

  • One-to-one advocacy by email, phone, text chat or WhatsApp
  • One-to-one peer support sessions by phone, text chat, video call or WhatsApp
  • One-to-one post-diagnostic support for newly-diagnosed autistic adults by phone, text chat, video call or WhatsApp
  • Support to create personalised resources such as autism alert cards and employment profiles
  • Our updated COVID-19 toolkit
  • Two peer support groups per month on Zoom
  • A monthly Women-Aligned Group on Zoom
  • A monthly Gaming Group on Discord
  • A Creatives group on Zoom

We will also look at resuming face-to-face appointments as soon as we can. If anything changes, we will update you via our website, social media accounts and on our mailing list.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call the Advonet office on 0113 244 0606. We will get in touch as soon as we can.