One of the many services offered by Leeds Autism AIM over the years is personalised self-advocacy tools. These are designed to help autistic adults speak for themselves and communicate their needs without having to verbalise them.

They can be used in a variety of settings and situations. These include in the workplace, in a public building, in a hospital or GP surgery and when feeling stressed and/or anxious. The twist with our suite of self-advocacy tools is that they can be customised to say what whoever owns them wants to say.

How many have we made?

As shown in this infographic, we have made 165 between 2016 and the end of 2019. The most popular are:

  • Autism Alert Cards – 84
  • GP Profiles and Hospital Passports – 34
  • Employment and Volunteering Profiles – 27

If you would like an Alert Card, GP Profile, Employment Profile or any other resources, please visit our Personalised Resources page or contact us.