Our next instalment in the food-based #AutisticLifeHacks series for #WeEatWell19 is from the Leeds Autism AIM team. In a similar vein to the one they came up with about using lentils, it focuses on adding something extra to pad out meals and make them healthier.

This hack looks at using vegetables to make pasta sauces, stews and even chilli con carne and other meals more substantial and healthier at the same time:

“To add body to a pasta sauce or chilli, it’s worth chopping courgettes into cubes and adding them to meat or pulses along with onions and, depending on the recipe, peppers. At the end, they come out soft and silky, making it go further.

“In addition to that, courgettes aren’t very calorific. Around 80 grams (roughly one-third of a whole courgette) counts as one of your five-a-day too!”

For more tips like these, search for the hashtag #AutisticLifeHacks on Twitter and Facebook. They are part of the #WeEatWell19 campaign.