
The last Hub session of February hosts the first Reference Group meeting of the year. See what else we have going on at both Hubs next week by reading on:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 26th February – 3:30-7pm

First, the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau are in from 3:45-7pm. They are in to offer one-to-one support on areas including benefits and money.

Next, the first Autism Reference Group of 2019 is on from 5-6:30pm. It is the forum for autistic adults in Leeds to feed into the Autism Partnership Board and have their say on what local services should do for them. It is free to attend.

We are able to produce personalised resources until 5pm. These include autism alert cards, hospital passports, GP profiles and employment profiles.

Finally, our staff and volunteers will be around to provide limited advocacy, information and signposting.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 1st March – 4-7pm

Our Friday Hub session for booked appointments can offer the following:

  • Advocacy
  • Information and signposting
  • One-to-one peer support
  • Support from Chapeltown Citizens Advice

This session is almost fully-booked. To book an appointment for this or any other Friday session, please contact us.