A new month brings familiar groups and support to our weekly Hub sessions. Here is what you can expect on Tuesday and Friday this coming week:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 6th November – 3:30-7pm

First on, we have Employment Advice from the DWP. This is from 3:30-5pm and is available on a one-to-one basis. They can give info on job applications, finding/keeping work and interviews.

Next, our Gaming Group continues. It’s on from 5:30-7pm, is led entirely by autistic people and plays games on the Nintendo Switch. We have four controllers to use.

Finally, Chapeltown Citizens Advice are in to give info on areas including benefits and money from 3:45-7pm. To see them, you need to book an appointment with us first.

Our staff team are around to provide limited advocacy support, information, signposting and a little bit of peer support.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 9th November – 4-7pm

Our quiet session for booked appointments features:

  • Limited advocacy support
  • Information and signposting
  • One-to-one peer support
  • Support from Chapeltown Citizens Advice

To book an appointment for this session or any future Friday sessions, please contact us.

For directions to the Hub, please visit the Lovell Autism Hub page of our website.