We have a couple of sessions on next week at Lovell Park – our usual weekly drop-in and our fortnightly session for booked appointments. Here are our plans:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 25th September – 3:30-7pm

We are able to produce personalised resources between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. These can help you to say what you want to say. They include autism alert cards, hospital cards and employment profiles.

Cafe Autistique, our monthly discussion group, is on from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. The topic will have some relevance to autism and autistic people.

Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice is in too, from 3:45pm to 7pm. He is around to give information on a handful of topics, particularly benefits.

Our staff are around to offer limited advocacy support, information and signposting. Our autistic staff members can also provide peer support.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 28th September – 4-7pm

Our Friday hub is only for booked appointments. There, we can offer one-to-one advocacy support, bespoke peer support, information and signposting. Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice will be there too for one-to-one appointments.

To book an appointment for this coming Friday or any future Friday sessions, please contact us.

For directions to the Hub, as well as a list of bus services that go nearby, visit the Lovell Autism Hub page of our website.