Our weekly and fortnightly hub sessions are open as usual, despite being close to the August Bank Holiday weekend! Here’s what we have on next week:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 28th August – 3:30-7pm

First up, we are around to do personalised resources for anyone who would like a self-advocacy tool. These include autism alert cards, GP profiles and hospital passports.

Next, we have a monthly discussion session called Cafe Autistique. This is a group where a topic is talked about that has some connection to autism and autistic people. It is on from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

Our staff are around to provide limited advocacy support, alongside peer support, information and  signposting. Our volunteers will be around too.

Please note that Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice is not in this Tuesday, as it is the day after a Bank Holiday.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 31st August – 4-7pm

Our Friday session is fully-booked. You can, however, book an appointment for one of our later fortnightly sessions for booked appointments. Here is a list of what we usually have on there:

  • One-to-one peer support from some of our autistic peer workers
  • Advocacy support
  • Appointments with Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice
  • Aspiedent’s employment session once a month – for one-to-one appointments only
  • Employment advice

To book an appointment for one of our Friday sessions, please send an email to [email protected] and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.

Directions to the Hub

To find out how to get to the Hub if you’ve never been before, please visit the Lovell Autism Hub page. On there, you’ll find directions, a doc about driving there and a list of buses that stop nearby.