Autism Hour 2018

A campaign which sees shops and other venues across the country hold a “quiet hour” for autistic shoppers is back this autumn. Autism Hour, an initiative launched by the National Autistic Society (NAS), will run from Saturday 6th October to Saturday 13th October.

As part of the campaign, a number of retailers, entertainment venues and public buildings will be holding a quiet hour for autistic people who enter their premises. The hour will see background music turned off, lighting dimmed or turned off completely and more adjustments made to accommodate the sensory needs of autistic people.

In previous years, the likes of Sainsbury’s and Superdrug took part, whilst some participants held a quiet hour every day of the week-long campaign.

More information

In the coming weeks, we will publish information about which businesses are holding quiet hours and where they will be held in Leeds. Just before the Autism Hour campaign begins, we’ll have a full list of the shops that are taking part in our area.