Lovell Autism Hub

Our Tuesday Hub session is back, and we’ve got a lot going on! Here’s a rundown on what we have scheduled for our next weekly drop-in:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 21st August – 3:30-7pm

First, we’ve got Employment Advice from the DWP. It’s available from 3:30pm to 5pm and comes in the form of one-to-one appointments. They can give you advice on areas including applying for jobs, retaining a job, preparing for interviews and improving your CV.

Speaking of Employment, Aspiedent have their fortnightly employment session from 4pm to 7pm. The first half is for one-to-one appointments and the second half is a group session on a specific topic around autism and the world of work. The group session can be attended by anyone who’s at the Hub.

Our monthly Women’s Group will be meeting from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. They’re talking about assertiveness this week. The group is open to autistic women who live in the Leeds area.

Our staff and volunteers will be around the Hub to offer limited advocacy support, information and signposting.

Finally, the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau are in from 3:45pm to 7pm to offer one-to-one support on areas including benefits and money.

Going to the Hub

If you want to come to our drop-in session, but have never been before, we have plenty of information on how to get there. Simply visit our Lovell Autism Hub page to find out how to get there from Leeds City Centre, as well as find out about getting there by car or bus.