We’re officially in summer, but the heat won’t stop us from running our regular Hub sessions! Here’s what we have lined up for the first week of June at Lovell:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 5th June – 3:30-7pm

Firstly at our weekly drop-in, there is employment advice from the DWP. This is available to autistic adults in Leeds who want advice on getting into work, preparing for interviews or working on job applications and CVs. This is on from 3:30pm to 5pm, but you do need to book an appointment – please do so by contacting us.

We also have volunteering advice from Voluntary Action Leeds. To coincide with Volunteers Week, we have someone in to offer advice on getting into voluntary roles, which can help to boost skills, gain experience and improve CVs. This will be available for most of the session.

We will be able to produce personalised resources between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. These can include hospital passports, GP profiles, employment profiles and autism alert cards.

After a week away, Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is back! He’ll be in for the entire session, offering useful info on areas like benefits. You do need to book an appointment to see him.

Our staff will be there from start to finish to help, offering information, signposting and limited advocacy support.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 8th June – 4-7pm

Our fortnightly Hub session is exclusively for booked appointments. This session is almost fully-booked, but if you want to come to a future session, here is what we usually have on:

  • One-to-one peer support
  • Advocacy support
  • Information from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Employment advice

If you would like to come to the Friday session on the 8th or on future dates, please contact us by email at [email protected].