We’ve got a returning group coming to the Hub on Tuesdays, whilst our fortnightly quiet session for booked appointments remains open! Here’s what we have in store at our hubs for this coming week:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 22nd May – 3:30-7pm

We are able to produce personalised resources from 3:30pm to 5pm. These can include autism alert cards, GP profiles, hospital passports and employment profiles. They are available for autistic adults who live in the Leeds area only.

Next, the Autism Reference Group meeting is on from 5pm to 6:30pm. This is a forum for autistic adults to have their say on what services for autistic people should be doing and which areas need to be improved. This meeting is open to autistic adults in the Leeds area. It feeds into the Leeds Autism 

Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau will be in for the whole session. He is there to offer useful information on areas such as benefits. He has, however, got appointments pencilled in already for the day.

Our staff will be around to offer limited advocacy support, as well as information and signposting.

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 25th May – 4-7pm

Our Friday session for booked appointments only is almost fully-booked. There are, however, slots for employment advice and the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau. To book a slot for either of those, please contact us.