Our weekly drop-in Hub is back for another week of information, advocacy support and signposting, complete with one of our regular monthly groups. Here’s what we have going on next Tuesday:
Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 17th April – 3:30-7pm
We’re around to do personalised resources to help you speak up about being autistic. These include autism alert cards, hospital passports, GP profiles and employment profiles.
Our Women’s Group is on from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This time, they will be talking about safety for women. The group is open to autistic women who live in the Leeds area and is completely free to attend.
Ian from the Chapeltown Citizens Advice Bureau is in to give useful information on areas such as benefits and personal finance. He is almost fully-booked for this session.
Our staff will be in as usual to give advocacy support and provide information and signposting. If you’re coming to the Hub for the first time, please contact us and we’ll try to set aside a time to see you.