Table at Lovell Autism Hub

The monthly Women’s Group at the Lovell Autism Hub meets once again next week. This time round, they will be discussing the topic of executive functioning. The group will go into detail about how executive functioning affects autistic women and the challenges faced.

Executive functioning is the way in which people manage their thoughts and actions, covering a wide variety of everyday processes and tasks. You can find a blog post and accompanying slideshow about this topic on the Musings of an Aspie blog.

When and where?

This month’s group is for autistic women living in the Leeds area. It’s on Tuesday 17th October and runs from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. As always, it takes place at the Lovell Autism Hub. You can find directions to the venue on the Lovell Autism Hub page.

If you’re interested in coming to the group, all you need to do is come along in person. You don’t need to let us know