This is Leeds’ submission for the 2016 Autism SAF (Self-Assessment Framework). This is the form that tells central government how Leeds (and all other local authorities) are doing in improving things for autistic people.

Earlier in 2016, in order to fill in the form, Leeds City Council asked a lot of people for information about what they were doing for people with autism.

Traffic light ratings

After that, they asked the Leeds Adult Autism Partnership Board to rate the responses using a traffic light system, with green being good, amber being okay and red being bad. It meant that the partnership board had to agree if the council are doing well enough to get a green or if they needed to rate themselves as amber or red.

This form has now been submitted to Public Health England (PHE), who are collecting the information on behalf of the government (so the form can’t be  changed now). PHE will use all the forms from all local authorities to produce a report which will compare how well local councils are all doing.

See how Leeds City Council are doing

You can read the SAF for Leeds by clicking on the link below:

Leeds Autism SAF (Excel spreadsheet)

The format of this form  is quite difficult to read – especially if you aren’t used to using big spreadsheets – so you might want to wait until the final report comes out. There will be an accessible version of the SAF coming soon.

If you would like more information on the SAF for Leeds’ autism services, please email Helen Gee at [email protected].