Council services

Leeds City Council have a section on their website, dedicated to housing. You can find it by clicking on the link below:

Leeds has a housing strategy. You can read it here: Housing strategy (

If you are homeless or at risk of losing your home, the Council have information at this link:

Housing support services

Engage Leeds is a city-wide housing support service. They can offer support if you’re at risk of losing your home, help you to live independently and become integrated into your local community. Visit their website here for more info on what they do: 

GIPSIL runs a housing support service for young adults and vulnerable adults. Check out their website for more info:

Better Leeds Communities have a housing advice services. Please go to this link for more information about what they can offer:

Latch provide refurbished housing for homeless people and people in housing need who are ready to make a positive change to their life. More information about what they do is on their website:

People in Action have launched a new service called Count Me In – At Home. It works with adults who are autistic and/or have a learning disability in Leeds, offering help with making homes energy efficient, understanding bills, fire safety checks and feeling safe and comfortable at home:

Energy use

GOV.UK: Getting the Energy Bills Support Scheme Discount

GOV.UK: Warm Home Discount Scheme

  • You could get £150 off your electricity bill for winter 2021 to 2022 under the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The money is not paid to you – it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill, between October and March.
  • Link:

Fuel Vouchers

Winter Fuel Payment

Green Doctor

Scope: Disability Energy Support