Leeds Autism AIM, West Yorkshire Police and other local organisations have coproduced a free autism alert card. Initially, the card is available for autistic adults in Leeds to use. The card can be used to help communicate your needs and how being autistic affects you in stressful situations.


What do the cards look like?


Front cover of autism alert card


The cards are two-sided. On the front, it will have your name, pronouns and alert people to your autism. There will also be room for something important that describes how being autistic affects you. To help you use the card with more confidence, the Leeds Autism AIM and West Yorkshire Police logos are on the front.


Back of the autism alert card


On the back, there will be information about how being autistic affects you. If you prefer, there is space for important medical information and details of someone you would like to contact in an emergency.


Information on the card includes:


  • Your name
  • Pronouns, if preferred e.g. he/him, she/her, they/them
  • Saying that you are autistic/have autism/have an autism diagnosis/identify as autistic
  • Up to four statements that describe your autism
  • An emergency contact to get in touch with if needed


When and where should I use the card?


The card can be used in a variety of situations, including:


  • When you’re overloaded in a busy public space like a shopping centre and need to go to a quiet area
  • If you’re stressed or anxious but cannot verbalise your needs
  • You need reasonable adjustments to be made
  • You want to let people know that you are autistic


How can I get an alert card?


To get a card, please click on the button below:



You can either have a printed version, a digital one for use on your smartphone or tablet or both. Please specify which you would like in the form.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].