November’s Coproduction Group will be asking people for their ideas on what resources Autism AIM can make about being autistic during the Christmas period. In previous years, we have made booklets, shared seasonal life hacks, written blog posts and more.

For this year, we would welcome input from autistic adults in the Leeds area on what resources you would find helpful. They could include:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Resources/guides
  • Planning tools

By coming to the group, you will be helping autistic adults to manage during what can be an overwhelming and difficult time of year.

When is the group?

The group will meet on Tuesday 21st November from 5:30pm-7pm on Zoom. It is free to attend. You must be an autistic adult (aged 18 and over) and live in the Leeds area if you want to take part. Please email us at [email protected] if you want to join the group.

If you want to have your say but are unable to attend the group, you can still do so. To do that, please email us at [email protected].

Coproduction Group postponed for December

Due to the Christmas holidays, we will not be running a Coproduction Group in December 2023. We will be reviewing how we do coproduction as a service during this time and will have details of any future groups available on our website in due course.