This February’s Coproduction Group will look at MindWell. It is a website that provides information on mental health support in Leeds, including services, support groups and downloadable resources.

The MindWell team would like feedback on how they can make their website more accessible for autistic people and are working with Leeds Autism AIM and Yorkshire Autism AIM on that. In the group, we will go through the website and ask for your opinions on:

  • What works
  • What doesn’t work
  • What information you would like to see on the MindWell website in the future
  • How well the navigation works on their current website

Any feedback used will help contribute towards changes made to MindWell, making it more accessible for autistic people who need to access mental health information.

Who’s coming?

A couple of people from the MindWell team will be attending the group to get your feedback.

Jane Wood, MindWell
Gemma Johnson, MindWell

Jane Wood (pictured, left) is MindWell’s Co-Design and Project Specialist. Gemma Johnson (pictured, right) is their Content and Communications Manager. Jane and Gemma will be there to receive your feedback and make changes to MindWell in the future.

When is the group?

The group meets on Thursday 23rd February from 5:30pm-7pm on Zoom. It is free to attend but to take part, you must be an autistic adult (aged 18 and over) and live in the Leeds area.

If you would like to join the group, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send on details for joining in the day before the group starts.

You can also send on feedback if you are unable to join the group but have thoughts on the MindWell website. To do that, please email Jane at [email protected].

Please also email us if you have any questions about the group. For any enquiries about MindWell, go to their Contact page here: