Later this year, a handful of organisations working with autistic people in Leeds will hold a free information event in the city. Leeds City Council, Leeds Autism Services, Leeds Autism AIM (part of The Advonet Group), Specialist Autism Services and Forum Central would like to know what think should be on offer at that event.

It will be a follow-up to last year’s Leeds Autism Show and the Bigger and Better in Leeds events that took place between 2015 and 2019. They attracted hundreds of visitors.

To help with that, we have created a short online survey. It asks for your views on:

  • What the event should be called.
  • What activities you would like there.
  • Which services should have information stalls.
  • Any guest speakers and topics they could talk about.
  • Which venue we could hold the event in.
  • Whether or not the event should be ticketed like last year’s Leeds Autism Show.

Survey link

To take the survey, please go to this link:

The deadline to respond to the survey has been extended to Friday 10th February at 5pm. Please note that this survey is for an event in Leeds.

If you need help to complete the survey, please email us at [email protected] and we should be able to support you.

Further information on the event will be published online after the survey closes. After that, we will finalise a date, time and venue based on your feedback.