In recent months, the Leeds Autism AIM service has been running regular appointment-only sessions at the Lovell Park Hub. These are for autistic adults in Leeds aged 18 and over who receive little or no funded support. The services we currently offer at Lovell are:

  • Information and signposting in-person: Passing on information about services and support available to you
  • Post-diagnostic support: One-to-one appointments for newly-diagnosed autistic adults to help understand their autism
  • Peer Support from our Health Access Project: Someone from the project team meeting with an autistic adult to help them understand their autism and health needs

All of the above services are also available remotely by phone call, text chat, email and video call.

Peer support and mentoring

This spring, we have received new funding from The National Lottery Community Fund. This will enable us to bring back our mentoring and one-to-one peer support members. We are in the process of recruiting for a Volunteer Coordinator to help support volunteer mentors and people in mentoring matches.

We will also have our one-to-one peer support sessions in place in due course. This is where someone can meet with an autistic member of the AIM staff team and look at strategies to manage day-to-day and learn more about their autism.

The mentoring waiting list will be open to mentees from June and the Peer Support from May. Please take note that both may have long waiting time; approximately a minimum of six months for mentoring and at least three months for peer support.

Booking an appointment at the Hub

If you would like to access any of our current in-person services, you must book an appointment with us. If you have already filled in our online referral form, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling The Advonet Group’s office on 0113 244 0606 and asking for Owen or Chris.

If you haven’t referred to AIM before and would like an appointment for info and signposting, post-diagnostic support or peer support from the Health Access Project, please fill in our online referral form. You can find it at this link:

Once you have filled in the form, we will be in touch with you about an in-person appointment. We can also deliver any of those services remotely, if you prefer.

Please also get in touch with us if you want general one-to-one peer support, mentoring or if you want to become a volunteer mentor.