Man typing on a computer

Our next monthly Coproduction Group meeting will look at some draft new logo designs for Leeds Autism AIM. We have used our current logo since our service first started work in late 2014. A new logo for AIM will be part of a rebrand, where we will also update our website’s look.

At the meeting, we will show you a few draft designs and ask for your thoughts. Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome. After that, we will create a logo based on the group’s feedback and use it going forward.

When is the group meeting?

The Coproduction meeting is on Thursday 30th November from 5:30pm to 7pm. It will be on Zoom and led by an autistic member of Leeds Autism AIM’s staff team.

If you would like to attend, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send you the Zoom details the day before the group meets.