4Neurodiversity, an autistic-led training service with a focus on employment, will be running three more free workshops over the next couple of months. Each one will be online and focus on a specific topic and will be on the Zoom app.

Here are the workshop subjects, dates and times:

  • Understanding Myself in Relation to Work
    • Thursday 22nd October, 5:30pm-8pm
  • Completing an Access to Work Request
    • Thursday 12th November, 5:30pm-8pm
  • You and Your Employers’ Legal Rights and Responsibilities
    • Thursday 10th December, 5:30pm-8pm

The workshops will all be delivered by Angie Balmer from 4Neurodiversity. Angie is autistic herself and has delivered workshops in partnership with Leeds Autism AIM before.

How do I sign up?

To sign up to the workshops, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send on the details for joining in each session. Please let us know which session(s) you would like to attend when contacting us.

To attend these sessions, you must be an autistic adult (aged 18+) who lives in the Leeds City Council area.