After our first session earlier this month, Leeds Autism AIM will be holding another Women-Aligned Group meeting on Zoom in August. The session will be led by one of our staff team and one of our volunteers – both are autistic women.

It is open to autistic cisgender and trans women in the Leeds area. This includes femme-aligning non-binary people. The group provides an opportunity to meet and get to know other autistic women and is completely free to attend.

Next month’s group will meet on Tuesday 11th August from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. If you would like to join, please email us at [email protected]. Then, we will send you on the details for joining the chat.

Please email us if you have any further questions about the group.

Future dates

Here is a list of provisional dates for future Women’s Group meetings:

  • Tuesday 8th September
  • Tuesday 13th October
  • Tuesday 10th November

All meetings will be from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. If anything changes, we will update you via our website and on social media.