Today, we have started a new private Facebook group run by and for autistic women in the Leeds area. The group will be moderated by a member of staff and one of our volunteers; both are autistic women.

The group will discuss a different topic every week and will be a safe, welcoming place to share thoughts and learn about strategies for managing day-to-day. It is free to join and you can post at any time, day or night.

How to join

If you would like to join, please go to our Groups page at Click on the Women’s Group link and then request to join. We will ask a couple of questions – do you live in Leeds and are you an autistic adult (aged 18 and over). If you say yes to both, your membership will be approved.

For any questions about joining the group, please email us at [email protected]. One of our staff team will be in touch within a few working days.