Following on from last year’s #XmasAutisticLifeHacks series, we have decided to bring it back this year. #XmasAutisticLifeHacks is basically where we have tips from autistic people on how to make Christmas less of a stress and more manageable. We shared those tips on our website and social media accounts, as well as with the wider autistic community.

Previous seasonal life hacks included preparing for Secret Santa, avoiding sensory overload and how to leave parties when socially exhausted. This year, we hope to cover everything from Christmas dinner to giving presents.

Get involved

If you have any Christmas life hacks you would like to share with us, all you need to do is post it on social media, using the #XmasAutisticLifeHacks hashtag in your post.

If you would like us to publish your hack, you can get in touch with us by email at [email protected] or over the phone on 0113 244 0606. Should you want us to do that, please let us know if you would like to be credited or if you want it to be anonymous.

For a list of all of our #XmasAutisticLifeHacks from last year, please click here: