
Our first weekly drop-in session of May welcomes another consultation session on what hospital services can do for autistic patients, as well as having all of the usual advocacy and information. Here’s what’s on next week:

Lovell Autism Hub – Tuesday 7th May – 3:30-7pm

  • Scott from NHS Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust is in from 4-7pm to ask for your views about the Emergency Department Sensory Check. This is to make sure that autistic patients’ sensory needs at hospitals in Leeds are catered for.
    There is a survey that you can do online if you would like to share your views that way. You can find it at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/M9BFV6X
  • Ian from Chapeltown Citizens Advice is in for one-to-one support from 3:45-7pm around issues such as benefits and personal finance. To see Ian, you need to book an appointment – please contact us to do so
  • Our Craft Group is on from 5-7pm. It is for autistic adults and encourages anyone who comes along to create at their own pace. You can either bring your own materials or use what we have provided
  • As always, our staff and volunteers will be around the Hub to help. They can offer information and signposting, limited advocacy and in some cases, peer support

Friday Autism Hub – Friday 10th May – 4-7pm

At our quieter session on Friday, we have the following:

  • Advocacy
  • Information and signposting
  • One-to-one peer support
  • One-to-one support from Chapeltown Citizens Advice

Please note that every Friday session is for booked appointments only. Please contact us if you would like an appointment for this or any other Friday session.