Autism Reference Group

Next month, the quarterly Autism Reference Group will be meeting at the Lovell Autism Hub. It is a forum for autistic adults in Leeds to feed into the Autism Partnership Board and raise whatever issues you feel are important. The group raises up to three topics to bring to the next Autism Partnership Board meeting, with two or three people who attend chosen to go to that meeting.

In past meetings, issues raised have included housing, employment, access to education services and mental health. At the meeting, the person chairing will ask you for any topics you think the Partnership Board should know about,

When and where?

The Reference Group meets on Tuesday 21st May from 5pm to 6:30pm at the Lovell Autism Hub. It can be found at this address:

Lovell Park Hub
Wintoun Street
LS15 7QX

It is completely free to attend and is open to autistic adults who live in the Leeds City Council area. For further info on what this group does, please go to the Leeds Autism Strategy section of our website.